Firebase Notification Adapter

Firebase Adapter

1. Overview

UCI provides a firebase adapter which sends push notifications to your Mobile or Web based application.

2. How to send firebase notification ?

We need a mobile or web application that will register the FCM tokens on firebase. These tokens can be later used to trigger firebase notification. We can trigger these notification in two ways.

1. Use UCI Internal Apis

We can store these registered tokens in UCI & use UCI fetch api to get these tokens for notification. Follow below steps to do this.

  1. Register FCM tokens on any mobile or web application using the firebase details of UCI. Add this FCM token on UCI using below API:

    curl --location --request POST 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/fusionAuth/registerUserFcmToken' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "device": {
        "users": [
                "registrationChannel": "uci-web-channel",
                "username": "john",
                "mobilePhone": "7597185712"
  2. The tokens registered can be fetched via the API.

  3. Create a new service here with the fetch token API in config.

  4. Create a new user segment here with the service created in step 3. Or you can use an already created user segment for this case. cf085492-266f-46d1-841c-1b38e93bce3f.

  5. Create a new conversation logic with below logic

    curl --location --request POST 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/admin/v1/conversationLogic/create' \
    --header 'admin-token: EXnYOvDx4KFqcQkdXqI38MHgFvnJcxMS' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "data": {
            "name": "Firebase Broadcast Logic",
            "transformers": [
                    "id": "774cd134-6657-4688-85f6-6338e2323dde",
                    "meta": {
                        "body": "Hello ${name}-${phoneNo}, Test Notification",
                        "type": "JS_TEMPLATE_LITERALS",
                        "params": [
                    "type": "broadcast"
            "adapter": "2a704e82-132e-41f2-9746-83e74550d2ea"
  6. Create a new bot with the conversation logic from step 5, user segment from step 4.

    curl --location --request POST 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/admin/v1/bot/create' \
    --header 'admin-token: EXnYOvDx4KFqcQkdXqI38MHgFvnJcxMS' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "data": {
            "startingMessage": "Test Firebase Notification",
            "name": "Test Firebase Notification Bot",
            "users": ["cf085492-266f-46d1-841c-1b38e93bce3f"],
            "logic": [
            "status": "enabled",
            "startDate": "2022-06-13",
            "endDate": "2023-06-13"

The table below explains all the request keys while creating a conversation logic along with their description.

  1. Hit the below api using the created bot id to send firebase notification to all registered FCM tokens.

    curl --location --request GET 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/campaign/start?campaignId=1ea5346d-8d98-4cf4-a470-9c234476f3d1'

2. Use your own FCM token api

We can also use third party apis that have registered FCM tokens in a specific format. For this we will also need the firebase project service key to send notifications.

  1. Create an api that provides the FCM tokens in below format.

            "data": [
                    "fcmToken": "cytMfcuBgpembxn7GfNvDh:APA91bHsaJioCNAoWAZql1lxe4szwd74CJsPEVp1ngSCrzMcft6kB9ZrZnUZ9PUVU47kGiVSUAk70ayF55nzi8vU6jlWI4AGLkTo9ZBZnwMll0ZqVKioAQARvgE4GTUwIoTWAqVUYGMN",
                    "phoneNo": "75********",
                    "name": "sim",
                    "fcmClickActionUrl": ""
                    "fcmToken": "cytMfcuBgpembxn7GfNvDh:APA91bHsaJioCNAoWAZql1lxe4szwd74CJsPEVp1ngSCrzMcft6kB9ZrZnUZ9PUVU47kGiVSUAk70ayF55nzi8vU6jlWI4AGLkTo9ZBZnwMll0ZqVKioAQARvgE4GTUwIoTWAqVUASDF",
                    "phoneNo": "76********",
                    "name": "john",
                    "fcmClickActionUrl": ""

    Note: Param fcmClickActionUrl is being used to mention the url to open on click ot fcm notification. This url should have the same domain as the one on which the fcm tokens are registered, else the url will not work.

  2. Add Firebase service key in vault using below APIs.

    1. Login API\

          curl --location --request POST '' \
          --header 'Authorization: YFpyHxhW0-NoKRwQrXgCU5QIAQq8nBNhE--i5_n3pTU' \
          --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
          --header 'Cookie: refresh_token=I2RhB1AE8Ve0gpCDh4DF3ddGBvGkwuzmokIHwi-VGbZFKdo_XSTV7A' \
          --data-raw '{
              "loginId": "loginId",
              "password": "password",
              "applicationId": "a1313380-069d-4f4f-8dcb-0d0e717f6a6b"

      Please contact the administrator to get the loginId and password for this API. This API will give below response. Use the token from the response in "Add secret API".\

              "refreshToken": "-oYek_AgrkNGAP2cDTwgUkAsV72FDA-bRtbzmUS9Y-DOligCTx8FvA",
              "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjZoMng4Ty1IMl9XWWt5dG41ZTNuMzlwUEZlWSJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJhMTMxMzM4MC0wNjlkLTRmNGYtOGRjYi0wZDBlNzE3ZjZhNmIiLCJleHAiOjE2NTU4MTcyMDYsImlhdCI6MTY1NTgxMzYwNiwiaXNzIjoiYWNtZS5jb20iLCJzdWIiOiI4ZjdlZTg2MC0wMTYzLTQyMjktOWQyYS0wMWNlZjUzMTQ1YmEiLCJqdGkiOiI0OGY3ZjQ3ZS1lMGM4LTQ4NmItYjVlNC00NDNlZTVkMjc1NGEiLCJhdXRoZW50aWNhdGlvblR5cGUiOiJQQVNTV09SRCIsInByZWZlcnJlZF91c2VybmFtZSI6InVjaS11c2VyIiwiYXBwbGljYXRpb25JZCI6ImExMzEzMzgwLTA2OWQtNGY0Zi04ZGNiLTBkMGU3MTdmNmE2YiIsInJvbGVzIjpbIm9yZ093bmVyIl0sIm93bmVyT3JnSWQiOiJ1Y2ktdXNlciIsIm93bmVySWQiOiJ1Y2ktdXNlciJ9.GOwVGcbjVSXZpswoVtkwdf8Kv48PuNbquFPdkQgmfabUOyMwzo_n83JAq82r2x5S8lVg07ZAovBEB1D2Ak2Vfmhr_N0gxL3bdq8YrT_e3P37mVY-OPGHbSdwzIoYEdM9njyttGjue9UI_I_i4oUI7ENVWv9GFzJmwEaVjhaZiE0NHcV5gmic62cCIQo8N-lzd4lMdZEQnDS_AxYCvjhsw2P4MxXNqzkK8bhqEcMWosfLaBrO_WJ4eh_Py0HuTMeeTI0uzSEyKPUSoQJZHuTTfks_VnayqwnpSKYPSx_riY_pHjTuB8S1L52P3fFRlwQPxPcKgyIu26DVDptqNmqAXw",
              "user": {
                  "active": true,
                  "registrations": [
                          "applicationId": "a1313380-069d-4f4f-8dcb-0d0e717f6a6b",
                          "id": "76179ff7-cd65-4c6f-9a95-d01720eacc75",
                          "roles": [
                          "username": "uci-user",
                          "usernameStatus": "ACTIVE",
                          "verified": true
                  "username": "loginId",
                  "usernameStatus": "ACTIVE",
                  "verified": true


    2. Add a secret API\

          curl --location -g --request POST 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/admin/secret' \
          --header 'ownerId: 8f7ee860-0163-4229-9d2a-01cef53145ba' \
          --header 'ownerOrgId: org1' \
          --header 'Authorization: Bearer loginToken' \
          --header 'asset: secret' \
          --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
          --data-raw '{
              "secretBody": {
                  "serviceKey": "BBHJGiL4qhQ:APA91bHfQkDIXbBbChCA3AUo5Wx9eRrAE2RWjtkLBCMxOJGmQGrUXqezKBy54xGJDegR6dM8H39r6XkSVDUOQUZ0QO9-Q_vexAM9UDCvCzZnerh8k1dIFUdIaQKdP8cRCW5KJG3TB123"
              "type": "Headers",
              "variableName": "uci-firebase-notification"

      This API will add the service key in vault. We will later use this secret variable name in adapter API to fetch its key for notification trigger.

  3. Create a new adapter with credentials variable(Eg. uci-firebase-notification) added in step 2. \

        curl --location --request POST 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/admin/v1/adapter/create' \
        --header 'admin-token: EXnYOvDx4KFqcQkdXqI38MHgFvnJcxMS' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data-raw '{
            "data": {
                "name": "UCI Firebase Web Notification",
                "channel": "web",
                "provider": "firebase",
                "config": {
                    "credentials": {
                        "vault": "samagra",
                        "variable": "uci-firebase-notification"

    This API will create a new adapter and will return the adapter id (Eg. 2a704e82-132e-41f2-9746-83e74550d2ea). We will use this adapter id later in conversation logic.

  4. Create a new service here with the your token API.

  5. Create a new user segment here with the service created in step 4.

  6. Create a new conversation logic with adapter from step 3 and below logic.

    curl --location --request POST 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/admin/v1/conversationLogic/create' \
    --header 'admin-token: EXnYOvDx4KFqcQkdXqI38MHgFvnJcxMS' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "data": {
            "name": "Firebase Broadcast Logic",
            "transformers": [
                    "id": "774cd134-6657-4688-85f6-6338e2323dde",
                    "meta": {
                        "body": "Hello ${name}-${phoneNo}, Test Notification",
                        "type": "JS_TEMPLATE_LITERALS",
                        "params": [
                    "type": "broadcast"
            "adapter": "2a704e82-132e-41f2-9746-83e74550d2ea"
  7. Create a new bot with the conversation logic from step 6, user segment from step 5.

    curl --location --request POST 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/admin/v1/bot/create' \
    --header 'admin-token: EXnYOvDx4KFqcQkdXqI38MHgFvnJcxMS' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "data": {
            "startingMessage": "Test Firebase Notification",
            "name": "Test Firebase Notification Bot",
            "users": ["cf085492-266f-46d1-841c-1b38e93bce3f"],
            "logic": [
            "status": "enabled",
            "startDate": "2022-06-13",
            "endDate": "2023-06-13"
  8. Hit the below api using the created bot id to send firebase notification to all registered FCM tokens.

        curl --location --request GET 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/campaign/start?campaignId=1ea5346d-8d98-4cf4-a470-9c234476f3d1'

3. Message Receipts Api

We have two apis that provides the option to add delivery & read receipts for the received message.

When a firebase notification is sent, some extra data required for the receipt apis are also sent in it. externalId (Message ID), destAdd (User ID) & fcmDestAdd (User FCM Token) will be sent in the notification data to be later used in the receipt apis.

3.1. Delivery Receipt

This api stores the delivery receipt against a message. To sent a delivery report use the below curl request with required details.

    curl --location --request POST 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/firebase/web' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "text": "",
        "from": "",
        "messageId": "",
        "eventType": "DELIVERED",
        "report": {
            "externalId": "70eb40a7eb4b4f10890b3f2f865e307e",
            "destAdd": "75********",
            "fcmDestAdd": "cytMfcuBgpembxn7GfNvDh:APA91bHsaJioCNAoWAZql1lxe4szwd74CJsPEVp1ngSCrzMcft6kB9ZrZnUZ9PUVU47kGiVSUAk70ayF55nzi8vU6jlWI4AGLkTo9ZBZnwMll0ZqVKioAQARvgE4GTUwIoTWAqASDFGH"

3.2. Read Receipt

This api stores the read receipt against a message. To sent a read report use the below curl request with required details.

    curl --location --request POST 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/firebase/web' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "text": "",
        "from": "",
        "messageId": "",
        "eventType": "READ",
        "report": {
            "externalId": "70eb40a7eb4b4f10890b3f2f865e307e",
            "destAdd": "75********",
            "fcmDestAdd": "cytMfcuBgpembxn7GfNvDh:APA91bHsaJioCNAoWAZql1lxe4szwd74CJsPEVp1ngSCrzMcft6kB9ZrZnUZ9PUVU47kGiVSUAk70ayF55nzi8vU6jlWI4AGLkTo9ZBZnwMll0ZqVKioAQARvgE4GTUwIoTWAqASDFGH"

4. History Api

UCI provides an api to fetch the conversation history against a bot or a user.

4.1. User History

Use below API to fetch the history against a bot. **** This API uses below required parameters to fetch the user history.

  • userId: Phone number of user

  • provider: Conversation provider. Eg. firebase (for in-app notification)

  • start & end date: Conversations between start & end date.

curl --location --request GET 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/xmsg/history?userId=75********&provider=firebase&endDate=03-07-2022&startDate=01-07-2022'

Limitation: This API can provide maximum 1000 conversations.

4.2. Bot History

Use below API to fetch the history against a user. This API uses below required parameters to fetch the user history.

  • botId: Conversation id

  • provider: Conversation provider. Eg. firebase (for in-app notification)

  • start & end date: Conversations between start & end date.

curl --location --request GET 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/xmsg/history/dump?provider=firebase&botId=1ea5346d-8d98-4cf4-a470-9c234476f3d1&endDate=19-07-2022&startDate=05-07-2022'

Limitation: This API can provide conversations for 15 days only.

These APIs will give the response in below format.

    "timestamp": "2022-07-20T09:24:06Z",
    "status": 200,
    "error": null,
    "message": null,
    "path": "/xmsg/history",
    "result": {
        "total": 1,
        "records": [
                "messageId": "4e2aab66-012f-4e5b-92ff-9b6ad6c2859b",
                "messageState": "DELIVERED",
                "provider": "firebase",
                "botUuid": "694c3306-d27f-431c-87f4-ae37a41204a4",
                "payload": {
                    "text": "Hello surabhi-75********, Test Notification"
                "channel": "web",
                "ownerOrgId": "ORG_001",
                "id": "2004a970-f902-11ec-bf0b-19880ce512a2",
                "sessionId": "1bc51202-2311-4831-aaee-cd481d9d916e",
                "ownerId": "abc51102-9814-4211-b71e-vd20vb9d8g57",
                "fromId": "75********",
                "userId": "admin",
                "timestamp": "2022-07-01T05:53:26.389"

Last updated